8 Mayıs 2019 Çarşamba

Gaming in Language Learning

Hello again people. Today I'll give you some advice about children and playing video games.
Well, we all see some examples of our relatives' children playing video games continuously and not studying their lessons. Ofcourse, that would worry a parent, and it should. But listen, if you want your children to LEARN ENGLISH, you should allow them to spend time with that video games. I'm not saying that allow it completely and do it for all kinds of lessons, but consider that those video games are in English. And while children play those games, they do not think that it is a lesson to study or it is obligatory. So they learn it voluntarily and believe me, it is the best way to learn a language. Ofcourse check out the games that they are playing but allow them if it is appropriate! Online video games also provide them the opportunity to talk different people from different countries so it is actually quite useful. You can also search what kind of educatinal video games they can spend time with, and by this way you would be able to protect them from the dangers of Internet.

4 Mayıs 2019 Cumartesi

HP Reveal

Hellooo!!! This week I have tried something totally different and it was just awesome. The video you see below is from HP Reveal application which you can create augmented reality all by yourself! It's really exciting because you know augmented reality is developing and expands in today's world fastly. It add layers in our physical world and you can see different graphics, hear different sounds while you are looking at a concrete real-world object.

I think it would be reeeaaalllyyy beneficial to use it in our classrooms when we become a teacher because it is obviously attractive to even adults so if our students ever meet it, they would go crazy! Their motivation would rise drastically, i'm sure.

So go watch my little video of planets now!

QR Code

Guys! Today we are going to learn something that easies us and our students to reach a prepared activity on their phones. We all know there is something called QR Code but what is it? A QR Code is a two-dimensional barcode that is readable by smartphones. It allows encoding over 4000 characters in a two-dimensional barcode. QR Codes may be used to display text to the user, to open a URL, save a contact to the address book or to compose text messages. 
How are we going to use it in the classroom? Well, there a few ways to make use of it. You can either design activity and make your students scan the QR code to reach it. You can also raise curiosity by putting different QR Codes in the class and see your students follow them! 
Here is my tiny QR Code!
Please create your own and have fun with your students!!! 

3 Mayıs 2019 Cuma


Helloooo!!! Guys let me tell you something. Canva is so fun to deal with! You can design anything, literally anything with it. Birthday cards, invitation cards, advertise, Instagram posts... ANYTHING. Well here is mine. Click the link below if you want to see and design more!




Hello my lovely followers, ofcourse I,m here to present another educational platform. It's quite awesome because it is even more useful than Quizlet, it has a more reliable source, it is easily used and also it is more colorful and fun! Its name is Nearpod! Nearpod is my number one activity platform and I will definitely use it and suggest you to use it too!
Please check the activity I designed for 1st and 2nd graders. The topic is simply Fruits. 


2 Mayıs 2019 Perşembe


My boys and girls, this time I have designed an activity on Quizlet.
It's a really useful and beneficial website for teachers to create educational exercises.
Students can match, read, basicly learn any content by doing the activities. It's one of the most resourceful platforms I have ever used.
You can check out my activity by clicking the link below. Go learn the weather types!!!



Hi guys, this week I have tried MindMeister, a different educational platform which allows you to design different kinds of maps for your students to understand you better. It is easy to use and better for your 21st century born students. I have designed a tiny map related to colors. Go check it out!

21 Nisan 2019 Pazar


Hello, guys this week I wrote a story on Storybird. It is the most lovely platform I have ever tried so far. Its content and many themes touch your heart once you start using it. You can give homework and write your own stories, poems for your students. In my work, I have told what love is, see if it will touch you too...


14 Nisan 2019 Pazar


Hi guys, I'm sure you all know Kahoot. It's an app and also a platform where you can prepare mechanical activities for your students. You can also prepare quizzes and exams. It's so fun to solve out!
I have prepared a tiny quiz for my 2nd graders to solve. The subject is Jobs & Professions. GO CHECK IT OUT!


13 Nisan 2019 Cumartesi


GUYS!  There's another platform called Voki and I have created a character and presented my blog! Go listen to it and see my character! The link is below;



Sup everyone, this time my work is on a platform called Powtoon. First, let me give some information about it. Powtoon is a great platform to create visual exercises actually. You can create your own videos, integrate your voice into it and prepare a whole lesson as a cartoon. Your students will definitely love to watch it and of course, it will help them learn easier no matter what the content is.
I have prepared a video about the parts of the house and uploaded it to Youtube. You can watch it by clicking the link below.


9 Nisan 2019 Salı


Hello everyone, today I will introduce you to Seesaw.
Seesaw is a platform where you can create your content for free for your little cute students. You can prepare visual, written, oral activities and have your students do them online. They can reply to your activities by taking photos or making comments.
I have prepared an activity which they can match colors with their names. The link is below. If you wanna have access you need to sign in and join my class.


My Padlet Work


To say a few words about my experience on Padlet, i can say that it was really easy to access and use the platform. I could easily create my content on the topic i chosed. As a teacher candidate i'm sure that i will use this platform in the future and allow my students to create their own work or change my content as they wish.